47084 Black Walnut Parkway
Woodsfield, OH 43793

Monday through Friday
8 AM - 4 PM

Open Internet Disclosure Statement

September 2024

The Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) requires that we provide you with the following information regarding GMN Wireless Broadband’s (“GMN”) mass market retail broadband Internet access services.

Network Management Practices

GMN does not discriminate against lawful content, applications, services, or non-harmful devices.


GMN does not block or otherwise prevent end user access to lawful content, applications, services, or non-harmful devices. GMN does engage in reasonable network management practices as described below.


GMN does not degrade or impair access to lawful Internet traffic on the basis of content, application, service, user, or use of a non-harmful device. GMN does engage in reasonable network management practices as described below.

Affiliated Prioritization

GMN does not directly or indirectly favor some traffic over other traffic, including through use of techniques such as traffic shaping, prioritization, or resource reservation, to benefit an affiliate.

Paid Prioritization

GMN does not directly or indirectly favor some traffic over other traffic, including through use of techniques such as traffic shaping, prioritization, or resource reservation, in exchange for consideration, monetary or otherwise.

Congestion Management

The only current source of congestion on GMN’s network is at the wireless access points. Customers connect to these access points. There is a finite amount of bandwidth for each access point and the customers share this bandwidth. During peak usage time, GMN uses fq_codel to fairly distribute available bandwidth between customers based on each customer’s service plan. Higher service plans have priority. GMN also uses fq_codel to keep latency on each access point as low as possible. Each customer’s own connection is controlled by fq_codel to ensure that no one device/application can use that customer’s entire connection thereby increasing the customer’s Quality of Experience.

GMN does not have any usage limits.

Application-Specific Behavior

GMN does not block or rate-control specific protocols or protocol ports (except to prevent spam, malicious attacks, and identity theft), modify protocol fields in ways not prescribed by the protocol standard, or otherwise inhibit or favor certain applications or classes of applications.

Device Attachment Rules

GMN provides equipment for connection to the network. GMN allows connection via provided equipment only.


GMN employs industry standard security precautions in its network core. If GMN detects suspicious, criminal, or abusive traffic, or activity that violates our Acceptable Use Policy, we may temporarily block access to protect the security of the network.

In order to protect our customers, GMN blocks the following ports that are commonly used to send spam, launch malicious attacks, or steal a customer’s information.


TCP 17
UDP 19
TCP 22
TCP 23
TCP 25
TCP 80
TCP/UDP 135-139
UDP 161
UDP 389
TCP 443
UDP 520
UDP 1900
UDP 3702
TCP 5431
UDP 8081
UDP 10001
UDP 22000


CPE Protection
CPE Protection
CPE Protection
DDSP DDoS and UPnP vulnerability
WS-Discovery DDoS
UPnP vulnerability
CPE Protection
CPE Protection
CPE Protection

Performance Characteristics
Service Description

GMN’s legacy network is 900 MHz and 2.4 GHz equipment. Customers that are on this network have a maximum expected downstream throughput of 3.0 Mbps on 900 MHz and 6.0 Mbps on 2.4 GHz. Maximum expected upstream throughput is 512 Kbps on 900 MHz and 1.5 Mbps on 2.4 GHz.  Expected latency is 30 to 200 ms depending on access point load. This service is not suitable for real-time applications.

GMN’s current network is 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz equipment. Maximum expected throughput is 12 Mbps downstream and 3 Mbps upstream depending on service plan and access point load. Expected latency is 30 ms to 100 ms depending on access point load. This service is suitable for real-time applications.

Actual performance on current equipment – Sept 19, 2024

3 Mbps download x 1 Mbps upload – Level 1
Downstream: 3.11 Mbps
Upstream: 1.47 Mbps
Latency: 46.2 ms

6 Mbps download x 2 Mbps upload – Level 2
Downstream: 6.38 Mbps
Upstream: 2.44 Mbps
Latency: 42.6 ms

12 Mbps download x 3 Mbps upload – Level 3
Downstream: 12.23 Mbps
Upstream: 3.32 Mbps
Latency: 42.76 ms

Impact of Non-Broadband Internet Access Service Data Services

GMN does not offer any non-broadband Internet access service data services.

Commercial Terms

GMN’s broadband Internet access services may include additional fees, such as for equipment insurance ($1.99/month), paper invoice fee ($0.95/month), and early termination. For information about pricing and fees for GMN’s various tiers of service, please visit our Services page and read our Customer Contract.

Privacy Policies

GMN uses real-time protocol and connection monitoring hardware when required for network management and troubleshooting purposes. We do not inspect the content of traffic. We do not store traffic, provide traffic to third parties (unless required to do so by law), or use traffic for non-network management purposes.

GMN keeps historical connection data for a period of one year. This data includes the amount of data transferred, latency information, and IP addresses assigned to the customer’s CPE or router. This data is used by us for network management and troubleshooting purposes.

We share this connection data, customer name, and customer service plan with our third party fq_codel congestion management provider for the purposes of congestion and network management.

Other privacy policies are detailed in our Privacy Policy.

Redress Options

If you have any complaints, questions, or concerns about our service or practices, please contact us at 740-472-2003 or

Written correspondence may be sent to:

GMN Wireless Broadband
47084 Black Walnut Parkway
Suite 103
Woodsfield, OH 43793